Monday, June 15, 2015


Here you may download and use the result of subject specific pedagogy activity in PPG UNY 2015. I provide English material for VII grade. This file consist of:
1. Lesson plan
2. Material
3. Assesment
4. Key word
5. Scoring system

click here VII SSP

Offline : Application JOb Letter

Hello student..

If you have not internet connectivity when learning English (16-06-2-15)  about Application Letter, here you may download the activity that  will be done :

click here Application Letter Activity
click here Student Worksheet

Example : Application Job Letter

Application Job Letter 1

Application Job Letter 2

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Exercise : Form of Application Job Letter

Picture 1
(You may download this picture by click download)

Picture 2
(You may download this picture by click download)

Pre : Advertisement of Job Vacancy

Have you ever found these advertisements?

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Thursday, May 28, 2015

How to make key chain

Bahan -bahan yang diperlukan ialah sebagai berikut :
  • Resin  : resin butek ( 20rb/kg ) , Resin Bening ( 40 rb /kg ). tapi untuk souvenir cukup yang butek saja karena yang bening dipergunakan untuk piagam/pin/name text dsbnya

  • Katalis ( 5 rb / botol kecil )

  • Pewarna ( bisa apapun alias bebas misalkan pewarna baju, pewarna makanan dll )

  • tepung /talk

  • Ke empat bahan diatas bisa dibeli di toko kimia

  • Cetakan agar-agar plastik terserah sesuai dengan selera

  • Gantungan kunci/magnet/peniti ( 8rb-10rb / gros )

  • cup es krim mini /gelas plastik

  • sendok plastik
Proses pembuatan ialah :
  • masukan Resin  1/2 cup + talk 1/4 cup + pewarna secukupnya dan teteskan katalis 5-7 tetes , lalu aduk cepat sampai merata ( 15-20 kali mengocek )

  • Kemudian kucurkan langsung ke tempat Agar-agar yang telah disediakan, bisa juga takaran disesuaikan dengan menggunakan sendok plastik. harus cepat jangan santai karena cepat mengeras

  • Jika ingin 2 warna maka proses pertama nunggu 1/2 pengeringan lalu buat adonan warna kedua dan tuangkan diatasnya

How to Introduce New Words

New vocabulary is one of the basic building blocks in your students' learning. But have you ever put much thought into how you introduce new words? Learning long laundry lists of words can be very tedious for students. On the other hand, introducing words in students' native language and then translating them into English or vice versa is not very effective, either. You have to start training them to think in English right from the start. Needless to say, the language you are teaching should be spoken at all times, even if students are absolute beginners.
So, how do you introduce new vocabulary without resorting to translation or long lists of words? Here's your answer!
  1. 1
    Pointing is probably the technique of choice when teaching real beginners. The teacher shows students illustrations or flashcards and points to the items they wish to teach. You can also use posters, Power Point presentations, or different types of computer software where illustrations are presented in electronic format. Google Images is a real life-saver! Pointing works best with nouns which include food, clothes, animals, professions, sports, classroom objects, office supplies, etc… but also colors, actions, and any adjective that can be clearly illustrated (like facial expressions, for example to teach feelings). The main advantage of pointing is that words may be introduced in blocks, and you may easily and effectively introduce several in one lesson. Works well with visual students.
  2. 2
    This technique can be used with students of all levels and works best with concepts and ideas that can't be easily seen or touched, like abstracts, or anything that is not a real object. There are different ways to use substitution:
    • Synonyms – You substitute one word students are familiar with for another new one.
      When you call someone, do you sometimes have to wait? You have to hold.
      Do trains usually run on time? They are on schedule.
    • Antonyms – You substitute one word they are familiar with for its opposite.
      Is a Ferrari a cheap car?(No) It’s an expensive car.
    Substitution works very well with phrasal verbs, which usually have a one-word equivalent: Do you put off going to the dentist? You postpone seeing your dentist.
    However, you should be careful when using words that are not exact synonyms or antonyms. Remember to imply that the connotation may be different in some cases.
  3. 3
    This technique is similar to substitution, but in this case, you set a scene or situation and then substitute it with a new word or phrase, thus effectively naming the scene.
    • Do you usually eat pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast? (No) So, you have a light breakfast.
    • The hotel accepted too many reservations. The hotel is overbooked.
    • The steak I ordered last night was not cooked enough. It was undercooked/rare/bloody.

  4. 4
    Miming and Total Physical Response
    This technique works great with kinesthetic learners, namely those who learn best by moving their bodies. Most teachers believe that mining works best with children, particularly when it comes to exaggerating emotions and facial expressions, but adults may also enjoy miming.
    Most teachers are also aware of the advantages of Total Physical Response in the ESL classroom. TPR works well with parts of the body (I’m touching my nose! Touch your nose!), actions (I’m walking to the door), and the imperative mood or commands (Sit down! Stand up!)
    The main advantage in miming and TPR is that you can get students physically engaged in the lesson. It gets them out of their seats and shakes things up. So make sure you maximize opportunities to get them moving!
  5. 5
    The use of realia, or real-life objects in the ESL classroom can make a huge difference in student learning. It engages them and motivates them to learn. It’s fun and sets a more natural learning environment. Some realia you may use to introduce new vocabulary includes:
    • Maps
    • Tea sets, dishes, and utensils
    • Clothes
    • Toy planes, trains, cars, animals, furniture, etc…
    • Family photos
    • Holiday items (pumpkin, Easter eggs, Halloween or Christmas decorations)
    • Plastic fruits and vegetables

How to make Lava lamp

percobaan untuk membuat lampu lava sederhana. Kalo ada yang belum tahu bentuk dan rupanya dapat lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Alat dan Bahan
  1. Gelas minum bening
  2. Minyak sayur
  3. Garam
  4. Air
  5. Pewarna makanan

Langkah Pembuatan
  1. Tuangkan air ke dalam gelas sekitar 3/4 nya
  2. Tambahkan 5 tetes pewarna makanan (warna bebas tergantung selera)
  3. Tuangkan secara perlahan-lahan minyak sayur ke dalam gelas. Usahakan agar minyak sayur berada pada lapisan teratas
  4. Kemudian taburkan 1 sendok garam di atas lapisan minyak
  5. Perhatikan fenomena yang terjadi, jika perlu tambahkan 1 sendok garam lagi untuk melihat efeknya berlanjut

How to make alaska in your home

'Bola salju' biasanya dijual di tempat-tempat suvenir. Sebenarnya, adalah suatu hal yang positif buat anak-anak bermain dengan bola salju. 

Selain bisa dibeli di toko,sebenarnya kita bisa membuat sendiri bola salju tersebut.
Yuukk!! kita coba membuatnya....:)

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan:

  • Toples berbentuk gelas ukuran kecil
  • Bentuk mainan plastik 
  • glycerin (optional: walau hal ini tidak terlalu diperlukan, namun penggunaan glycerin bisa membuat glitter melayang lebih baik)
  • glitter
  • air
  • lem (yang digunakan adalah lem panas, kalau tidak ada superglue juga ok)

Cara membuat:
  1. Pilih dan tentukan benda apa yang hendak anda masukan dalam bola kaca salju. Contohnya di sini digunakan mainan berbentuk kodok yang terbuat dari plastik.

 2. Lem, tempat dan rekatkan mainan kodok tersebut dalam tutup toples.

3. Isi toples dengan air dan atau glycerin dan tambahkan glitter (kurang lebih 1-2 sendok teh)

4. Tutup toples - berikan lem jika anda khawatir anak anda akan bisa membukanya.

Nah!! Sudah jadi...Kocoklah toples anda agar terlihat salju-saljunya melayang.


Membuat Baterai dari Koin

 Sebuah baterai menggunakan reaksi kimia untuk menghasilkan elektron. elektron bergerak dari zat bermuatan positif (katoda) atau ke zat bermuatan negatif (anoda) melalui elektrolit. Ketika Anda menghubungkan baterai ke sirkuit, elektron bergerak melalui sirkuit dan menyediakan tenaga listrik di sirkuit itu.
Ketika kita membuat sebuah baterai dari koin, tembaga dan almunium foil disusun berselang seling hingga membentuk batangan dan setiap sela antara almunium foil dan tembaga diberi elektrolit berupa cuka, tembaga dalam koin berfungsi sebagai katoda, aluminium foil merupakan anoda, dan cuka dan garam  adalah elektrolit. Susun beberapa baterai ini tiga potong bersama-sama, akhirnya positif sampai akhir negatif, semakin banyak lapisan yang disusun baterai lebih kuat.
Kita dapat menggunakan kawat tembaga yang melekat pada positif (koin) sisi dan negatif (foil) sisi. Untuk menghasilkan daya pada baterai, Pada ujung tembaga diletakan lampu LED atau beberapa perangkat pengukur tegangan rendah lainnya untuk mengukur arus yang terbentuk

Monday, May 18, 2015


Where is book?
The book is on the table
Where are the pictures?
Where is the van?
The Picture is on the wall
The van is on the wall
Where are the pencils?
The pencils are in the pencil case

Friday, May 8, 2015

Busy Teacher

When We Want to Use Song to teach English, lets use this following steps

1. Brainstorming

With evocative titles they can be used for brainstorming vocabulary. Students can make up a story given the keywords from the song.

Amend the song

Insert wrong words into the song. This can be used with synonyms or antonyms. You could make two versions changing different words in each so that students can check with a partner.

Add extra words into the song

Students must listen and strike out the extra words.

Ordering the song

Cut up the song into manageable chunks and students can reorder as they listen.
Students order pictures representing the song.
Split sentences in two so students must match up the first and second half of sentences.

Using the text of the song

Give the students true or false sentences from the text of the song.
Students find synonyms and antonyms in the song to words given on a handout.


Students select 9 keywords from a selection of about 20 on the board and insert them into a 3 by 3 grid. When students listen to the song they tick the words off until they have 3 in a row and then a full house.
Using keywords the students retell the story of the song in a narrative.

Expand the song

Students can write an extra verse for the song.
Students can compose a verse perhaps using keywords from an original verse and then compare it with the original.
Students can write a letter from or to the singer or a character in the song.


Rhyming words can be extracted from the song.
Weak forms, contractions and unstressed words are commonplace in song lyrics.
Make out a survey for students to rate the song from 1-10. You can include questions like: Does this song make you feel happy? Does it make you feel sentimental? How would you rate the lyrics? How would you rate the tune? Will it be successful? Would you buy it? would you want to listen again? Is it suitable for background music? etc.

Song Review

You need at least 20 questions. Students answer the question while or after they listen. Next they can write up a review of the song. If you have the facilities you may get them to do different songs or as a homework exercise they can do it at home with a favourite song in English or their mother tongue.

Grammar Practice

Structures (especially modals and conditionals) and tenses are often repeated in the song. Blank these out as reinforcement of the grammar.
Transfer lyrics from direct to reported speech.


'Ain't' and 'gonna' and other colloquial words which are often neglected in lessons frequently come up in songs.

Cloze Activities

Blank out all the verbs, adjectives, rhyming words, etc.
Give students a chance to predict the missing words before they actually listen.
Students must choose from a multiple choice which could be used for synonyms or confusing words.
Give the students the missing words in a jumble on the whiteboard.


All the words are blanked out so that students put the song together starting from nothing.

Music without lyrics

Play a piece of music and students write down any words that come into their heads and explain this to the group afterwards. Students draw as they listen and afterwards explain their picture.

Games to play

In pairs students listen for words ending in '-ing', rhyming words, adjectives etc
Play charades using song titles.


Students can act out the story of the song. You need a suitable song and give them time to prepare for this. e.g. 'Don't you want me?' by The Human League.

Monday, April 20, 2015

SMP IX Grade : Label - Drug

Drug Interactions and Over-the-Counter Medicines
Over-the-counter (OTC) drug labels contain information about ingredients, uses, warnings and directions that is important to read and understand. The label also includes important information about possible drug interactions. Further, drug labels may change as new information becomes known. That's why it's especially important to read the label every time you use a drug.
  • The "Active Ingredients" and "Purpose" sections list:
    • the name and amount of each active ingredient
    • the purpose of each active ingredient
  • The "Uses" section of the label:
    • tells you what the drug is used for
    • helps you find the best drug for your specific symptoms
  • The "Warnings" section of the label provides important drug interaction and precaution information such as
    • when to talk to a doctor or pharmacist before use
    • the medical conditions that may make the drug less effective or not safe
    • under what circumstances the drug should not be used
    • when to stop taking the drug
  • The "Directions" section of the label tells you:
    • the length of time and the amount of the product that you may safely use
    • any special instructions on how to use the product
  • The "Other Information" section of the label tells you:
    • required information about certain ingredients, such as sodium content, for people with dietary restrictions or allergies
  • The "Inactive Ingredients" section of the label tells you:
    • the name of each inactive ingredient (such as colorings, binders, etc.)
  • The "Questions?" or "Questions or Comments?" section of the label (if included):
    • provides telephone numbers of a source to answer questions about the product
Learning More About Drug Interactions
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the drugs you take. When your doctor prescribes a new drug, discuss all OTC and prescription drugs, dietary supplements, vitamins, botanicals, minerals and herbals you take, as well as the foods you eat. Ask your pharmacist for the package insert for each prescription drug you take. The package insert provides more information about potential drug interactions.
Before taking a drug, ask your doctor or pharmacist the following questions:
  • Can I take it with other drugs?
  • Should I avoid certain foods, beverages or other products?
  • What are possible drug interaction signs I should know about?
  • How will the drug work in my body?
  • Is there more information available about the drug or my condition (on the Internet or in
  • health and medical literature)?
Know how to take drugs safely and responsibly. Remember, the drug label will tell you:
  • what the drug is used for
  • how to take the drug
  • how to reduce the risk of drug interactions and unwanted side effects
If you still have questions after reading the drug product label, ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Noun Phrase

  1. Opinion – Adjective yang menunjukkan pendapat tentang sesuatu/seseorang.
E.g.: funny, beautiful, fabulous, difficult, pretty, ugly, silly, etc.
  1. Size/Dimension – Adjective yang menunjukkan ukuran besar kecilnya sesuatu/seseorang.
E.g.: large, tiny, enormous, little, etc.
  1. Age – Adjective yang menunjukkan umur sesuatu/seseorang.
E.g.: ancient, new, young, old, etc.
  1. Shape – Adjective yang menunjukkan bentuk sesuatu.
E.g.: square, round, flat, rectangular, heart shaped, sphere, etc.
  1. Color – Adjective yang menunjukkan warna sesuatu.
E.g.: blue, bluish, pink, pinkish, red, reddish, mix colored, etc.
  1. Origin – Adjective yang menunjukkan asal sesuatu/seseorang atau kenegaraan seseorang.
E.g.: Mexican, Chinese, eastern, northern, etc.
  1. Material – Adjective yang menunjukkan materi yang membentuk suatu benda.
E.g.: wooden, metal, cotton, paper, stone, leather etc.
  1. Purpose - Adjective yang menunjukkan tujuan/kegunaan benda, sering berupa gerund (V-ing).
E.g.: sleeping bag,baking pan,watering can,etc.

Text Dialog : Descriptive text

This dialog is between Donna and Jhon. They are meeting in the cafeteria
Jhon     : Hello Donna, how are you?
Donna : I am fine Jhon, how about you?
Jhon     : I am fine too, bye the way what is that? Is that your smartphone? Can you explain to me how it is?
Donna : Oh, yes I can. This is my new smartphone. It is popular hand phone now.
Jhon     : Waw, that looks beautiful. It is slim hand phone
Donna : Yes, it has funny feature inside. Can you describe yours?
Jhon     : My mine is an old hand phone, so it is thick ancient hand phone.
Donna : But it still looks new hand phone I think.
Jhon     : I think so, Donna I want to go to class first, see you next time
Donna : See you

Descriptive text : Emi Game Center

Emi Game Center
Emi is a place for game center in Jogjakarta, Emi game center is the best place in Jogjakarta. It is famous game center in Jogjakarta. The rooms are clean big new western style. There is also a large new square food court beside the garage so you can take a rest there.
It’s a nice place for hang out with your friends. You can find many games there. There are dancing games, Rambo Shoot Gun, Racing dog, etc. All you need before play all game in there is buy coins , that make a game machine working. After you play, you can gain point. Let’s enjoy it.